
It's been a season for weddings. And what a beautiful season it is.

Each time we rise to welcome the bride, I wait for just that one moment when the man sees his wife-to-be for the first time as they open the church doors. The exact time he (probably) thinks to himself, "Wow....this is it" and smiles that gorgeous smile of knowing that his life is just about to get that much greater.

....I hope to see that smile for me one day. It'll be perfect.

And while I can't take all the credit for looking at weddings from this poignant perspective (cue 27 dresses), I can perhaps say that I interpret that look of love to be one that is passionate, deep yet vibrant - a love that goes beyond the look in her eyes, and is bold enough to weather whatever storm and rejoice in whatever joy comes its way.

Bold, steady, unchanging, unconditional love, designed in the image of God's love for us.
